Monday, May 14, 2018


Clouds neither have roots nor branches and stands without any foundation. So is the space all naked- neither supported nor rested and stands sans legs and hands! Thus, awareness is beyond both colour and shape and its original nature is like space and its basis is like the ephemeral clouds!
Mahamudra is dependent upon nothing and it is always settled in unalloyed purity. On removing husk by beating the sesame, oil- the essence(awareness) is extracted! Like space, awareness can be neither melted or frozen nor added or subtracted and the nudity remain as it is. Whether the space is hidden or unconcealed by the clouds, the original sky remains bare- completely nude. Just like the space unborn out of empty sky without clouds- so is the awareness unborn and untainted within the state of unborn mind.
Like a single candle dispelling the darkness of a night; a single flash of clear mind erases the blindness of one's sin. Lo! Relax into your intrinsic nature with no objective and rest in naked awareness- and that's Mahamudra!

What is never born never dies. When there is beginningless there is endless too.What is hidden right here is also present right here. When one is in extremes the door to Samadhi still prevails in the closed door. When one is over filled; the space for filling up still exists within the occupied space. When a lake is darkened sans moon's reflection, the brightness still exists in the presence of absence.
In sweetness lies the sourness. What is uneven right there is also even right there. Where there is a road, the destiny too is embedded in it. Where there is a cloud, the state of cloudless also forms the formless. Under the pikes lies the plains and within the plains lies the gorges. Within sadness lies the state of euphoricism. Where there is a wall, there is always an exit in it !