Wednesday, August 29, 2018


I’ll always cherish it
Our first night in the candle light
Under the balmier blanket
I feel the heaven so close to me
Sinking in, the waves surge high
Baby I love when you fill me with your soul
Coz we are legend and in love unlike others
So tell me those three words
Coz the heart needs what it needs
And this will be a legendary love.

Going to far off places
Under the light of moon and stars
We join our hands and walk together
Measuring our height and feeling our breath
We smile as we see ourselves hugging tight
So we get inside the coupé and close our arms
Dipping in, the tides pitch high
 Baby I love when we drive to heaven
Coz we are legend and in love unlike others
So tell me that you are mine
Coz the heart needs what it needs
And this will be a legendary love.

Sexting late at night, I call you to come home
Rushing alone in hurry, I meet you halfway
Closing the door, we close the curtains
I pull you close as you come out of the bathroom
Smoking prettily by my side
With smiling faces, we gulp whiskey
Getting drunk in the bed; we become mad
Not knowing what we are doing
I find you pushing and pulling me
And see you breathing together with me
I love the way you are, my Valentine Love.

I will treasure it
The way I taste your saliva
And the manner I feel your bob hair
Of all the cold feet that rest on my thighs.
Along with you, I listen to Taylor’s song
And I love to hear you rapping for me.
Watching together of what we are doing
We drench in sweat and shout a lot
Baby I love when you serve me honey
’Cause we are legend and in love unlike others
So tell me that I am in your heart
Coz the heart needs what it needs
And this will be a legendary love.


From the metro, she know not where to head
Donned with drainpipes, she began to tread,
Then she watched what ring she has worn on
And down the breast her glossy hair dangled on.
Besides parade of commuters, she ambled on the turf
And her destination was even beyond the roar of the surf.
So with a goal kept within- ‘to meet the unmet sniper’
Among influx of people, her eyes trolled him like a sniper.
No wonder, once again she dearly propelled her eyes out
With her neck fixed on, her hunt for him began to sprout
And before her last hurrah, an unfamiliar man greeted her
Standing on the side of the door, he smiled and stared at her.
She left the moorings of a man who failed to bid her bye-bye
Yet the echoes of her walking boots almost deafened the passer-by
And never did she turn back, until a familiar voice called her- ‘pal.’
A motherly call it was and she dare not to escape the unattended call
On turning back, there's no way to escape the encounter with a met man 
And cried a aloud cry on knowing him as ‘keta’- a man she was looking for.