Friday, November 16, 2018

De-owning thoughts

Our reasons for anything are neither secure nor insecure; it just remain as it is- unbiasedly  naked. The moment we try to draw a picture of what is both told and untold we just begin to lens through the way we feel about it. It's kind of jiggery- pokery as nothing certain can be concluded on the reasons that are beyond one's imagination. Reason out, so that either you will be pushed out by the arguments or pushed in by your own proposition. Nothing can be impository when you raise your thoughts high and reason out that are  essentially fundamental to one's values.

Reasons can be baseless in the eyes of others yet it can never be the same as you brainstorm your thoughts that are deeply grounded in your mind. Reasoning as a matter of acceptability has its own place yet it become uncommon when rejection  has outstrip its stand. Truly, reasoning is a drive towards maturity only if one proposes it with what actually is needed to be reasoned out. Reason upon reasons, reason over reasons, reason for reasons can create an avenue for developing our reasoning skills.  Reason to reason out for reason has a reason to be reasoned.

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