Friday, September 8, 2017

Garbage in, Garbage out.

Simply you cannot say that a person is good or bad unless you are able to judge yourself. Judge yourself, and you will find everything in yourself.
The kindness you see in others is what you have because you wont find what you don’t have. The openness you find in others shows how good you are simply by being open to him or her. The beauty you see in others shows how beautiful you are in seeing and valuing it both in others and yourself. You find others generous because you love giving things. You find others honest or candid because you never tell lies to him/her.You are appreciated or honored because you either thank them or value their endeavor. So the goodness you see in others is the reflection of what you actually have. Be good!
On other hand the greed you find in others is also the reflection of how stingy you are fist is. The moment you point someone saying that he/she is blunt,egoistic and inhumane reflects not his/her character but it shows how bad and incapable you are in not being able to find your blunt tongue and undiscovered ego that are hidden in your heart. The selfishness and temper you find in others shows how selfish and bad tempered you are to see him/her; its just the reflection of what you are.
The existence of purity is possible only when everything is pure in itself; or otherwise,we cannot expect gold out of the sands. One need to find the best qualities you have and value it because the others who possesses it needs it for the good or the common cause. In life we must not expect others to be perfect, kind and helping unless you have the qualities of what they expect from you. So the rule is simple: you just find what you have found.
Respect others to show how much you value your relationship.
Appreciate others to show how much you are concerned of his/her endeavor. Thank others to show how much you are linked with him/her. The ‘Simple Positive ‘Being’ ‘ can metamorphose the way you see your self as detailed below:
Being kind doesn’t incur you any lost.
Being humble doesn’t degrade your caste.
Being empathetic doesn’t drain your sweat.
Being honest doesn’t take your time away.
Being compassionate doesn’t take your life away.
Being generous doesn’t make you hungry.
Being humane doesn’t make you a prisoner.
We must always look at the thorns and enjoy the beauty of roses rather than looking at the roses and getting disheartened by the presence of the thorns.
Judge not others and you will be least bothered of others. Judge in to judge out.

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