Wednesday, December 2, 2020

With an undying peace in the heart,
There will be an undying peace at home;
With an undying peace at home,
There will be an undying peace between neighbours;
With an undying  peace between the neighbours,
There will be an undying peace in the villages/cities;
With an undying peace in the villages/cities,
There will be an undying peace in the nations;
With an undying peace in the nations;
There will be an undying peace in the world;

Thursday, April 16, 2020


From animal realm to human realm, nation to frontiers, Buddhism to  Christianity, ethnic to race, dogma to taboo, the path to flyovers, cheese to turmeric, whiteboard to the online class, dawn to dusk, conventional to modern, space to the crowd, cold to sweat, gho to jeans, friends to foes, laborer to a prostitute, noble to the assassin  - in a relative stand, one cannot coalesce the crests and troughs of the differences into commonness. We must celebrate the differences and appreciate the multiplicity of variations as everything is unique in itself.

 I am neither a brahman, victim, scholar, slave, Adivasi, priest, tycoon, Buddhist nor a Hindu, male, refugee, teacher or a heartthrob. These social constructs are all created by human minds, seeing things only through their own windows. Our doors for OPV are often locked and the gates for proposition are usually opened and hardly we make an attempt to see things from the roof different lens. For those who think roof as an apex must look at the sky and feel what world would you see if you are to view it from there. We cannot charter anyone’s route of thinking at an ordinary level. Do we need to disclose what we feel for others? Unfortunately or fortunately we have our own world totally uninterpretable and unseeable by others. What you see or think of others and what others think of you is just an attempt to explain what you see from your own window. Despite our window being often comparative, channelizing, selective, and conclusive we however attempt to draw a closer picture of what is too far and ‘there,’ thereby compromising the essence of what really is ‘there’ in its stand. Your window is your world!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


The Nation's Becoming Drivers

 Fully determined, the boys of Moshi primary school greeted me with loud Kuzu zangpo and then I reciprocated by smiling back as I was on my way to Phugayoe. "Uncle drop us to our place," uttered the youngest one. "Why do I need to lift you, boys?"  "Sorry uncle," replied the boy in a white gho as he began to pull his youngest friend aside.  "Get inside, I just wanted you guys to get home very late."  "Kadrinchoela."

With aura of their puerile innocence and inoffensiveness, my way of treating them differently didn't bother them at all. In the mid of our silent journey, one of the boys dared to ask me, " Ata where do you work?" I turned back and replied, "I am a driver."  "Wow! We too aspires to become a driver," shouted the boys from the back seat of a car. 
"Then why do you walk to the school every day if you aspire to become a driver?"  "I attend school every day to become an educated driver," replied the eldest boy.
 "Why do you boys prefer to become drivers to dashos then?"
"Do dashos drive trucks?" asked the eldest boy.
"No. That's not their job."
"What do they really do?"  I tried every second of our journey to convince and influence those little kids but it went all in vain. Before we finally depart, we stopped for a while and I intentionally reasked them, "What do you want to become?"
"I want to become a driver," replied the youngest boy.  "Because both dashos and drivers can drive the nation forward," responded the other two boys.
"Yeah you all are right. Like dashos, drivers too work for the nation, " I reaffirmed them as I bade goodbye to those determined boys.

(Reflecting upon their responses, am I not wrongly educated? But it's morally unsound to blame the system!  Singularizing my attitudinal outlook towards the stratification of jobs, I learnt that I am too parochial to segregate it based on the social structure. Delving into what is really unseen, almost all of us fail to see what and who really keeps us surviving!  Sans any interdependent relation, a lion can't become the head of the system simply by sidelining the works of the poor earthworms. Thus, for the nation to prosper both the lions and earthworms must play their roles and respect each other's job.)


Educationism: of thoughts beyond the radius of limitless passion and job
Kencho Tenzin, a grade one boy of Zangtherpo primary school upon seeing me greeted with a smile and bowed, "Kuzuzangpola." I smiled back and told him, "I am a stranger to you. So why do you greet?" No wonder the boy smiled, "Uncle I always make a point to greet anyone whenever and wherever I meet them."
There's sustenance in his words. More than the gesture of veneration, kuzuzangpola is perhaps a prelude to closeness and friendship. It's true that etiquette begins at home as the boy told me the way his parents brought him up. His exhibition of decency and a behaviour like a well-seasoned citizen in his formative years can tell us how etiquette can mould every one of us. A proper parenting and befitting personal manner can create a successful home and a harmonious nation.
Walking all the way from Dawathang for the purpose of schooling, Kencho aspires to become a gentleman. And on asking him a question why he doesn't want to become someone in his life, he smiled again and said, "First I want to become a gentleman and then I may fit to work anywhere." If we have graduates with an attitude like the little boy, we needn't have to find any panacea for tackling different social ills. Kudos to little friend Kencho. Hoping to see him again.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Crastination: a prized time in between precrastination and procrastination.

It’s true that the early bird gets the shaft and fills his tummy.  Contrarily, what about the late mouse who is often escaped from getting into a trap?  Everyone wants to put things on track every time and one deliberately looks for understanding the difficult task at the very first hand.
        Measure twice, cut once? Ritualistically putting tasks off for a later time can be taxing and getting tasks done more quickly than what is required can make one repent later. Students burning the midnight oil to get their assignments submitted before the impending deadline and a potter making pots hastily without basking it in the sun can never yield a fruitful reward.
         Procrastinating work and reaping euphoric rush or precastinating work and reaping euphoric redo?  Crastination is about emotional stability not about the desired productivity. It is process-oriented as well as product-oriented! Crastination is doing the right thing at the right time and in the right place! It focuses on de-working and unworking unlike reworking in case of precrastination and procrastination. It’s about making the difficult tasks easier and suppressing of blame-game when failing to meet the desired result. It involves seeking priorities or preferences over ignorance or avoidance in producing a fruitful outcome. It focuses to overcome one’s perception of overestimating or underestimating how long certain activities will take to complete.  It requires one to work with high attention and self-motivation! Thus, it’s all about making a rational choice and being satisfied with your work!
        Crastination helps to overcome one’s social disease so-called underperformance. By crastinating time, one decides to avoid self-deception which requires one to have a false belief to perform better at last under intense pressure; or perhaps overcome ego of believing that one is relieved from stress if thing is done at first. There’s neither fear of failure nor pride for success if one crastinate his work!
Crastination is all about:
        i.         Feeling to do work
      ii.         Remembering to work
    iii.         Caring works to be get done
     iv.         Knowing what needs to be done
      v.         Knowing how to do something
     vi.         Igniting the initiative to get things started
   vii.         Being in the habit of doing the first thing first
 viii.         Undertaking task beforehand at the right time
     ix.         Prioritizing important tasks over the least important ones
      x.         Believing that you work better when things are done without pressure
     xi.         Knowing that you shouldn’t work hastily or keeping work to be done at last.
Crastination is not all about rushing to complete your assignment at the eleventh hour or hastily writing your assignment at the earliest and you are asked to redo your work!


Homage to Ugyen Guru Rinpoche

Homage to the dual-free King;
The son of unborn Dharmadhatu,
Known as a lake born Vajra or Padmakara;
Revered as the son of rigpa Samantabhadra
You are the child of rigpa Samantabhadri;
Known for taming the Matarutah and Mara,
You are the dispeller of Dhukha and ignorance.
Venerated as a father of Shunyata and Ningjed,
You are a brother and savior of all beings!
Known for being a lover of sorrowful beings;
You are the healer of pain, misfortune and sins.
Prostrated as a blesser of prosperous beings
You equally guard both good and bad beings;
To the owner and lord of Nubchog Ngayabling
May you remove the plights of sentient beings 
And kindly take all of us to your blissful land!
Homage to the Awakened or Precious Master
May you kindly shower us with your Siddhis!
Om Ah Hung Benza Guru Pema Siddhi Hung!