Thursday, April 16, 2020


From animal realm to human realm, nation to frontiers, Buddhism to  Christianity, ethnic to race, dogma to taboo, the path to flyovers, cheese to turmeric, whiteboard to the online class, dawn to dusk, conventional to modern, space to the crowd, cold to sweat, gho to jeans, friends to foes, laborer to a prostitute, noble to the assassin  - in a relative stand, one cannot coalesce the crests and troughs of the differences into commonness. We must celebrate the differences and appreciate the multiplicity of variations as everything is unique in itself.

 I am neither a brahman, victim, scholar, slave, Adivasi, priest, tycoon, Buddhist nor a Hindu, male, refugee, teacher or a heartthrob. These social constructs are all created by human minds, seeing things only through their own windows. Our doors for OPV are often locked and the gates for proposition are usually opened and hardly we make an attempt to see things from the roof different lens. For those who think roof as an apex must look at the sky and feel what world would you see if you are to view it from there. We cannot charter anyone’s route of thinking at an ordinary level. Do we need to disclose what we feel for others? Unfortunately or fortunately we have our own world totally uninterpretable and unseeable by others. What you see or think of others and what others think of you is just an attempt to explain what you see from your own window. Despite our window being often comparative, channelizing, selective, and conclusive we however attempt to draw a closer picture of what is too far and ‘there,’ thereby compromising the essence of what really is ‘there’ in its stand. Your window is your world!

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