Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Homage to Ugyen Guru Rinpoche

Homage to the dual-free King;
The son of unborn Dharmadhatu,
Known as a lake born Vajra or Padmakara;
Revered as the son of rigpa Samantabhadra
You are the child of rigpa Samantabhadri;
Known for taming the Matarutah and Mara,
You are the dispeller of Dhukha and ignorance.
Venerated as a father of Shunyata and Ningjed,
You are a brother and savior of all beings!
Known for being a lover of sorrowful beings;
You are the healer of pain, misfortune and sins.
Prostrated as a blesser of prosperous beings
You equally guard both good and bad beings;
To the owner and lord of Nubchog Ngayabling
May you remove the plights of sentient beings 
And kindly take all of us to your blissful land!
Homage to the Awakened or Precious Master
May you kindly shower us with your Siddhis!
Om Ah Hung Benza Guru Pema Siddhi Hung!

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